Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Maya decided to practice her laugh today...funny girl!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Going for a stroll...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

10 months...

Pretty stinkin' cute if I do say so myself...

Maya continues to grow and learn so much everyday!  Here are some highlights from the last month...

*Sitting is boring!  Maya loves to stand and pulls up on everything to practice her new trick.  Gone are the days I leave her alone to play for a few minutes.  I have to watch this girl like a hawk!

*She's starting to take some steps as she pushes her toy stroller.  Up until today, this only happened as we helped support her.  Today, however, she did it by herself!!  I think we're going to have a walker sooner than we expected!

*Though army crawling is her preferred mode of transportation, we have seen her actually "crawl" on her knees a few times.

*Maya has expanded her bag of tricks to include pointing, blowing kisses, giving kisses and blowing on her food.

*She's starting to understand words and has specific responses when she hears certain words.  She'll look and point in the sky whenever we ask where is the moon or where are the birds.  During the day, when I ask her where dad is, she looks outside and points to the office!  We think she's pretty smart :)

*Sleep is still great and we might be transitioning to one nap...it's a little early, but she doesn't seem to care about following the rules.

Here's a few pics from the last month...


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa Baby...

Maya met Santa for the first time (minus our Halloween at Gymboree experience).  Unfortunately it didn't go over so well :(  

 And my favorite...

In her defense, this Santa wasn't the friendliest looking guy...I think he's scowling in the picture above.  Plus, the whole event took place behind closed doors in a back room at Tiny Tots...sketchy Santa.

Fortunately, we did get a decent family pic once we rescued her from the scary man's lap.  
Hopefully next year will be better!