Yikes, has it really been almost a month since my last post!?!? Wow, time has slipped away. I've been very distracted by a minor change happening in our life...
And not just down the road or in the next town...we're moving to WASHINGTON!
Brad got a job offer we just can't pass up, so we're packing up boxes (well, we will be soon!) and heading up by the end of May.
I have mixed emotions...very excited for new adventure, but sad to leave my friends, family and only state I've called home. But I feel very confident this is what God has planned for us and trust Him completely!
More to come on life in Washington....
In the meantime, here's my little love...
Snuggle buggle... |
New things in Maya's life...
*She's babbling like crazy and has all sorts of sounds, words and signs. It seems like she tries to repeat something new everyday.
*She loves to dance! In the car to dad's music, at home to mom singing storytime songs, to the Caillou theme song...she's got moves!
*She loves to be free and walk around! She's generally really good in her stroller, but when the need to get out and walk overtakes her, watch out! She will whine, wiggle and cry till she gets to get out and stretch those baby legs!
*She still loves animals and tends to "woof" at anything furry, but knows quite a few animal noises including: dog, cow, snake, monkey, elephant, lion, and crab (weird one I know...if I ever catch it on video, I'll post)
*She has learned to say no and it often comes with a lot of attitude including shaking her head and swiping her arm dismiss whatever we offered...need to work on this.
*She officially has the two bottom teeth!! Phew!
*She loves to snuggle and gives us lots of hugs, kisses and pats on the back...she melts our heart daily :)
New sun hat! |
first fat lip from a trip...those bottom teeth are dangerous! |
We will miss Happy Hallow like crazy! She loves these cars SO MUCH! |