Brad's mom has come to town to visit with us and help with Maya. I'm so excited to have her here! It's not only great to have the help, but it's so fun to see Maya bond with her Grammy.
For the last few weeks, we've been dealing with Maya's fussiness, which we've been trying to convince ourselves is "normal". It's been really difficult not knowing what's causing her to be so upset all the time and emotionally wearing as we go through all the options (hungry? diaper? tired?) and still have a crying baby. For a while we just assumed she had some gas issues and were giving her Mylicon, but it seemed like there was more to the problem. As new parents it's so hard to know what's "normal" and what to do.
When Grammy got here, she helped confirm that her fussiness was not "normal" and that we should take some further action. Yesterday, we called and got an appointment with the pediatrician. We had done some research online and the doctor confirmed our worries...our baby has acid reflux :( It's good to finally have a cause for the fussiness, but now we're trying to find the right solution. The doctor prescribed Zantac, which seems to help for the first couple hours after we give it to her, but then she goes back to fussy. We read some mixed reviews online and I don't love the idea of giving my 5 week old medication, but I think we'll give it some more time to see if it'll help. We also read out an all natural option called Colic Calm. People who didn't have success with Zantac, seem to love this product and I love that it's all natural. Hopefully she'll find some relief with one of the options!
In the meantime, we're loving our time with Grammy :)
I don't know if breast milk is naturally acidic or if its acid levels are affected by the mom's diet, but wanted to share with you the acid reflux diet. Several people I've known in the past with acid reflux followed the diet with great results. Of course, it's not the easiest--no tomatoes, for example, but wanted to give you another natural alternative in case you hadn't come across it yet. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you found an answer to what was going on! As a Mom, you know when something is not "right". Trust your instints! I'm sorry baby Maya has to deal with acid reflux but now that you have a diagnosis, you can find a solution. I agree about not loving the idea of giving her a medication all the time so I hope you can find a more natural solution (From your email, I'm glad to hear the Colic calm is providing some relif!). Have you read anything about changing your diet to help her? It may make a difference. I'm sure you could find some information online. Good luck! Enjoy the time with Brad's Mom!