Tuesday, March 6, 2012


My dad is able to come and visit Maya a few days a week.  We normally wait for him at the door when he arrives and she gets so excited to see Papa as he walks up to the house.  It wasn't the easiest road, but his time and persistence is paying off and she's finally becoming more comfortable.  I am so thankful!  He often takes her outside to explore and I love seeing her listen and learn.  Here's a few pics from yesterday's visit...

Learning to smell the flowers...this became a "snotty" experience, but she tried!

checking out the bees in the bush....

He makes her laugh....

and she does the same :)

These two are becoming buddies and it makes my heart smile :)


  1. A girl and her grandpa, sweetest thing ever!!!

    1. So true...I love whenever Maya sees a grandparent...so sweet :)

  2. So sweet! And your pictures look great, sis! Becoming quite the photographer :) Hugs and kisses to Maya B. xoxoxo
