So I'm working backwards a little bit, but I can't not post about our last weekend in California! It was so fun and I'm so thankful I got to share such special memories with some of my favorite people!
Here's a picture tour of the weekend...
We loved our mornings in the condo...hanging out together, kids in their jammies, enjoying breakfast on the patio....
...and an impromptu dance party never hurts...
Then there was the main event...The Calaveras County Fair...
Frogtown USA!
Maya had her first pony ride!
Making a horse noise :)
And of course, there was frog jumping! This year, Lauren jumped a frog!
One of our favorite things to do was spend time at the pool!
My cute little muffin...
Lauren and Andrew enjoying the kiddie pool :)
Maya loved it! I think I see swim lessons in the near future!
I will miss seeing these lovely ladies and their beautiful girls! Our Wednesday playgroup was something special...through our weekly time together, I became a better mom, friend and christian. I'll be forever impacted by "Wednesdays"! So glad we had one last weekend of fun!