Friday, September 28, 2012

IT'S A....


Sorry everyone, we've decided to not find out baby's sex this time and I couldn't be more excited for the surprise in the delivery room.  We just had our 20 week appointment and I wasn't even tempted!!  Waiting still seems to be harder for Brad, but he's holding strong and willing to wait it out with me!  

The appointment itself went great.  It was so great to see our little girl/boy (Monkey Junior as Brad refers to him/her) wiggling around!

  After much worry for not feeling movement as early I remembered with Maya, I finally started feeling some more consistent movement this past week...even Brad felt a kick for the first time Wednesday night!  Feeling that movement every day, plus seeing our little MJ wiggle around during the ultrasound has definitely put my mind at ease!  Thank you Lord! 

A couple more pics...
I love this one.  We saw a full yawn during the cute!   

Here's the image that made us think...ummm, is that???....but no, just the umbilical cord!  Baby having a big stretch!
20 weeks down, 20 to go!  Hopefully this one decides to come on time (or even a little early) and not 5 days late like his/her big sis!!  Either way, I can't wait to meet our baby!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First day of "school"...

Maya had her first day of Toddler Group today!  It's a parent co-op program that's one day a week for 2 hours.  It's a great time for Maya to learn and explore through a variety of play based activities including sensory tables, puzzles and toys, art projects, singing, reading, circle time, group snack and outdoor play.
   We had a great first day!  Here are some pics (unfortunately the camera on my phone is terrible!)

At the ball pit...her favorite!  She kept coming back to it!

She also loved the colored rice sensory table...unfortunately, we weren't so good at actually keeping the rice in the table...

Snack time was my favorite part.  The kids all sat together on mini chairs at a mini table and had there snack of apple sauce and string cheese.  They were also given little paper cups to drink their water!  They encourage learning, so no sippy cups allowed!  It was so cute to see them all at snack...they looked like such big kids.  Maya actually did great with her cup...she's had some practice at home, but this time I didn't help her and she did awesome!

Getting her stamp at the end of class...

 The day ended with outdoor play...Maya loved this little house and wasn't interested in going anywhere else...

I was so inspired by our successful snack time, I decided to set up her travel chair at the table for lunch...such a big girl!

And I had to document the drinking from a cup success!

I'm a proud mama :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fashion with Compassion...

If you haven't checked out Noonday yet, please do!!  Their jewelry (and other items!) are awesome and the story behind each piece is inspiring.  Every purchase helps the artisan- women around the globe trying to provide for their families and escape poverty.  It's "fashion with compassion" and my sister-in-law, Deanna has recently become one of their ambassadors!!
Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Mama,
Happy Birthday to you!!

Love and miss you so much!  Hope you're having a fabulous celebration up there.  Can't wait to join you again one day!