Friday, September 28, 2012

IT'S A....


Sorry everyone, we've decided to not find out baby's sex this time and I couldn't be more excited for the surprise in the delivery room.  We just had our 20 week appointment and I wasn't even tempted!!  Waiting still seems to be harder for Brad, but he's holding strong and willing to wait it out with me!  

The appointment itself went great.  It was so great to see our little girl/boy (Monkey Junior as Brad refers to him/her) wiggling around!

  After much worry for not feeling movement as early I remembered with Maya, I finally started feeling some more consistent movement this past week...even Brad felt a kick for the first time Wednesday night!  Feeling that movement every day, plus seeing our little MJ wiggle around during the ultrasound has definitely put my mind at ease!  Thank you Lord! 

A couple more pics...
I love this one.  We saw a full yawn during the cute!   

Here's the image that made us think...ummm, is that???....but no, just the umbilical cord!  Baby having a big stretch!
20 weeks down, 20 to go!  Hopefully this one decides to come on time (or even a little early) and not 5 days late like his/her big sis!!  Either way, I can't wait to meet our baby!


  1. So excited for you! It's awesome to have that surprise in the delivery room :) The yawn picture is so cool! The crazy thing was that the u/s tech told us that even if we wanted to find out, she couldn't tell us because she never got a clear view. I guess Jos wanted to keep it a surprise just as much as we did, lol.

    1. Thanks J!! Me too! Funny about Jos!! I don't even think she tried to look and my Dr doesn't want to know bc she doesn't want to have the pressure if not slipping and giving the answer over the next few months. I can't wait for February!! Not knowing is giving this pregnancy something special...which is nice since its just not the same as the first time!
