Thursday, July 28, 2011

Peach Cobbler

One of the perks of living at my dad's house is the availability of multiple fruit trees!  We have two fig trees and a nectarine tree in the back yard and a peach and a persimmon tree in the front.  So far, only the peaches are ready for picking.

There are far more peaches on the tree than we would ever eat, so I decided I needed to whip out the apron and do some baking before they all go bad and fall off the tree (or before the squirrels get to them all!).  I haven't baked anything in a while and in my previous life (pre-Maya) I really enjoyed my time in the kitchen, cooking and baking.  I found a great recipe for Peach Cobbler on  I LOVE this site!

The recipe was easy and the finished product was quite yummy...

I have plenty more peaches, so I'm sure there will be more cobbler in the future.  
Now I'm just waiting for the figs to be ready...I told Brad I'd make him some newtons!  


  1. Looks delicious! Make Maya some peach baby food and freeze it - yummmm!

  2. Mmm, I love peach cobbler! And I agree, use those peaches to make some baby food! You can freeze it for 3 months.
