Three months in one post! OOPSIE! Let's not waste any we go!
Month 8
Papa came to visit on 9/13. Both kids loved seeing and spending time with him!
We had our first day of Toddler Group on 9/17. This year we're in the family class so Asher is officially on the roster :)
On 9/19, Auntie watched Maya so mom and Asher could go to baby story time at the library. This was the first "Asher only" activity we've had. He loved it! Wish I had more opportunities for one-on-one time with each of the kids!
Having fun on the swing on 9/20.
On 9/22, we moved Asher out of the infant carrier and into sissy's car seat! Such a big boy!
9/22: First ride in the "blue car" cart at the grocery store. Sissy loved having her buddy next to her.
9/23: First meat! Sloppy Joe's. Very fitting ;) Around early October, we became increasingly comfortable to give Asher whatever we're eating off our plate. BLW for the win!
10/5: First trip to the pumpkin patch at Bob's Corn Maze
He had spaghetti that night and loved it. I intended it to be a fun sensory experience. Asher saw DINNER!
On 10/9 Asher started saying "Dadada" :)
My beautiful babies
My beautiful babies
This girl, by the way, made some major progress in the "big girl" department this month. We gave up nukies (and subsequently naps) and transitioned to a big girl bed. So proud of this little lady!
9/17: Packing up her nukies for baby Jace
9/18: The morning after her first night without her nukie. She did great and had no night wakings without it!
10/6: Big Girl Bed!
My first baby is getting so big! Love her expressive personality, her strong-willed independence (or I will one day) and her beautiful heart!
Month 9
Less than 2 weeks after we first heard "dada", Asher said "mama" on 10/17! Yay, he loves me too ;)
We checked out Preschool Story time at the library on 10/22. Both kids enjoyed it. Wish we could go more often!
I noticed Asher's left eye cleared up on 10/26! Now only the right one still has a clogged duct. Hoping it clears soon as well!
On 10/27, Asher started to get his belly off the ground and by 11/7 he was rocking back on legs and scooting step to crawling under way!
Asher's first Halloween! The kids were Asher-man and Super Maya! My little super heroes!
Snuggling with cousin Ava on 11/1. She LOVES to hold "Baby Asher". So sweet!
On 11/8, we left for a family vacation to Leavenworth. A very needed and enjoyed get-a-way!!
On 11/10, while in Leavenworth, Asher got his first tooth! I couldn't get a pic of the tooth, but you gotta love these cheeks!
Sibling Love:
She LOVES to make him laugh...
Month 10
Meeting Santa at "Santa Story Time" at University Book Store on 12/11. Like sissy, he's not a big fan.
On 11/15, Asher's second tooth popped through!
This month, Asher got better at giving himself water. And on 11/23, I let him handle a prune pouch on his own. He chugged it! 

On 11/24, we did away with the baby tub and Asher had his first bath in the bathtub! He LOVED it!
On 11/25, we flew to California for Thanksgiving. The kids did well on the flight despite our super late arrival time!
The next day, we finally got to meet cousin Jace! Can you tell they're related? :)
When we got back home to Washington, we set up Christmas! Can't believe Asher's first Christmas is around the corner. It reminds me of the joy of Maya's first Christmas...I can't wait!
Meeting Santa at "Santa Story Time" at University Book Store on 12/11. Like sissy, he's not a big fan.
Can't believe we're 2 months from ONE!
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