Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What we're reading this week...

One of Maya and I's favorite outings these days is a trip to the library.  Fortunately, our local library is only a five minute walk away!  We love story time on Thursdays (and Mondays in Los Gatos and Fridays in's the story time trifecta), but we'll go any day of the week to check out a few books.  Maya loves reading and will stare at the pages as we read to her. 
Not that Maya cares, but its nice for Brad and I to get a few new options to read every week or two.  Here's what we're reading this week...
Love these two books.  They're really cute and entertaining for us!  There are others in each series like Llama Llama, Red Pajama and How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? that I'll be getting next time.  

Another great book Brad and I love and highly recommend is Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type.  Hilarious!  

Happy Reading :)


  1. I really need to start going to the library. We have one that is close and brand new.

    Jos has Llama Llama Mad at Mama in her book collection :-)
