Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snip snip...

As everyone knows, Maya B has no shortage of hair.  I realized over the last few weeks that her bangs were simply getting out of control!  

They're constantly in her eyes and driving her (me) nuts.

I was also worried she was starting to look a little bit like this kid...

So today we finally did something about it!  Maya had her first haircut!  It was really just a bang trim, but a monumental moment none the less.  The honor went to Papa Frank who quickly and quite efficiently cleaned up her bangs.  Maya did really well and didn't squirm nearly as much as I had anticipated.

Before, Maya Bieber
After, much better!!


  1. She pulled off the Bieber look :-) Papa Frank did a great job! I keep debating cutting Jos's bangs because they are driving me nuts!
