Thursday, October 25, 2012

Potty Talk...

I wasn't sure if I should post this information, but in an effort to keep record of all our milestones, here it is.  It's about potty training (and I'm not interested in using PC terms), so if you're not interested or if it seems TMI to you, you've been warned...

BIG NEWS in our house...Maya B has gone "poo poo in the potty" 2 days in a row!  To say I'm proud is an understatement!  We've been talking about the potty for some time now, but definitely haven't taken it too seriously since it's still fairly early.  She definitely shows interest in it and sometimes likes to sit on the little kiddy one we have in the bathroom.  She went through a phase about two months ago where she would tell us when she had a poop (or was about to have one) but that stopped for a while and I hadn't thought much of it.  However, in the last couple weeks, she started telling me when she had "poo poo coming".   So yesterday was the first time I actually sat her on the toilet when she told me she had "poo poo coming" and low and behold, she pooped!!  I was quite surprised when it happened again today!  Yay!  So exciting!

I know that it is unlikely that it will continue consistently from here on out and there's no discussion about pee pee in the potty yet.  I'm definitely not running out for the big girl undies, but as a dear friend always tells me for moments like this, she's capable, and I'm so proud of her!


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