Monday, February 18, 2013

Baby Story...

I never documented Maya's birth story and really wish I had.  I know I was in labor for 17 hours and have a general idea what happened when, but wish I had more details written down.  So in an effort to not make the same mistake, here's Asher's birth story timeline...

Monday 2/11
8:30pm: I had just sat down to watch the latest episode of The Bachelor when I notice a "leak".  Assuming things would happen the same way as with Maya, I fully expect contractions to start within a few hours...
10:30pm: Go to bed and wait for the inevitable.  Sleep terrible!

Tuesday 2/12
7:00am: Some braxton hicks contractions during the night, but nothing "real" or consistent.  
We decide to go about our day and start celebrating Maya's 2nd birthday!
Later that morning: I go for a power walk with Joan and Deanna to try to get some contractions going!  Nothing :(
12:00pm: Now anxious that nothing was happening and paranoid that I wasn't feeling baby move, I decide to call the doctor to see what they thought and at the very least, get checked
12:45pm: Doctor confirms that baby is doing great, but my water did in fact break...oops!  They want us to check into the hospital and get pitocin started.  Since I wanted a natural birth, I challenge the doctor for another method and we finally agree to using the breast pump to start contractions, but I'm given an 8pm deadline or they will start pitocin.  The doctor is worried about risk of infection since water broke.
1:30pm: Check into hospital
The calm before the storm :)
2:00pm: Start breast pump; 10 min on, 20 min off.  The pump gets contractions going but once off and walking around, they subside
Maya came to visit us before things got "real"
5:30pm: Contractions are finally consistent and not subsiding.  They consider this the start of labor.
8:30pm: Last round of pumping; contractions have gotten stronger over the last few hours.  Doctor decides to give me till 9:30pm to be checked.  I need to be at least 4-5 cm for pumping to be considered successful and pitocin to be avoided.  
So thankful for my hubby!  He was once again an amazing support!
9:40pm: Dr checks and I'm 5 cm, 90% effaced and baby is at zero station!  Yay, no pitocin!!  I want in the tub, but it's not working and maintenance needs to fix it...are you kidding me?!
10:25pm: Hop in the tub!  I was interested in this for Maya, but never did it.  It's amazing and I highly recommend for anyone doing a natural birth!  I am checked by nurse and have hit 7-8cm.  They say it won't be, we're they right!
10:40pm: Checked again in the tub and I'm 10!  
10:45pm: They get me out of the tub and onto the bed
11:03pm: Asher Thomas is born!

Love this pic!  Asher is here and dad is EXCITED!
Goopy little him.

First diaper...enjoying the heat!
 So thankful for my sister-in-law, Deanna!  She was our "stand-in doula" and was a great support for both Brad and I!  She also was a super star photographer :)
Asher meets Auntie!

It was an amazing night!  I still can't believe how fast it all progressed!  And I didn't have back labor this time...hallelujah!  I'm so thankful for this precious little gift from God.  He is more than I could have ever imagined and my heart is once again so full.


  1. Love remembering all the details! Still so proud of you and so excited for you guys as you "plant your new roots" :) as a family of 4!!

  2. Thanks sis!! Yes, planting these roots is a little emotional, but I'm very excited for our future as a family of 4! Can't wait for your new addition to come home too!!
    Love you! xoxo

  3. He is so adorable! And for once I guessed right, lol. I still can't believe you did it natural 2 times. You are a rock star!
