Thursday, February 7, 2013

Build a Bear...

A good friend gave me the idea to take the week before our due date and plan some good quality one on one time with Maya before baby arrives.  She suggested a fun 'Mommy and Me' outing to the Build a Bear store in the mall.  
I assumed Maya would love picking out a bear and enjoy all the "fun" in the different steps to put it together...seems like a reasonable assumption.  Boy, was I wrong!  I think little miss might be a little young for the Build a Bear concept...or she just wasn't in the mood.  
She was completely disinterested and at times hesitant about the entire experience.  She didn't want to pick out or even hold any of the bears, she didn't like (or as Maya says, "I don't like it") the sound options, she was frightened by the machine used to stuff them and could care less about all the clothes and accessories.  The only part she was marginally interested in was picking out the little hearts and putting them inside the bear before he was sewn together.  Oh well, we tried!
Fortunately, she warmed up to "Bear" once we got home and gets excited to see him everyday :)

 I took this video as we were in line to pay.  I can't help but giggle every time I watch the way she says "the build the bear" at the end :)


  1. Jos was only semi-interested in her first Build a Bear, and I think it helped that her older friends were there to show her how to do it :)

    It's funny though when you're a parent because you have these ideas of how something will go and sometimes your kid just doesn't cooperate, lol.
